Building Work.
Property owners need to obtain a Bornement from the parish Constables to erect a ‘building’, or re-erect one, on old foundations within 1.5 metres from any public road or way. The expression ‘building’ includes any well, cistern, cesspit, cellar or other excavation below surface level (whether containing a structure or not) and also any wall, hedge, fence or other surface structure serving as a boundary or otherwise. This will also include applications to demolish a section of the roadside wall, making good the wall ends and creating car parking areas. If your work is within 1.5 metres from a public road or way the necessary bornement can be obtained from the Constables at a cost of £25. Please write to the Constables detailing the work to be carried out and if the work has received planning permission please include a copy the approval from the Planning Services Department.
Dog Tax.
All owners of dogs within the parish must licence each dog annually. The licence fee is £10 per annum and is due on 1st January each year. In order to issue a licence the Constables need to know the name, address and telephone number of the owner together with the name and breed of each dog. If paying by post please supply a stamped and addressed envelope or provide an email address so the licence can be sent electronically.
Parochial Cemetery
The Secretary of the Cemetery Committee can be contacted at
Roadside Hedges.
Parishioners are reminded that the Cutting of Hedges Ordinance of 1953 requires that; - 'every owner of land (bordering a public road) shall between 1st June and 15th June and between 15th and 30th September in each year, cut away any such parts of all hedges as overhang such public road; - (a) up to a height of 12 feet from the surface where that road is ordinarily used by vehicular traffic, and (b) up to a height of 8 feet from the surface where that road is not ordinarily used by vehicular traffic and shall immediately thereafter remove from such public road all material cut from such hedges'.